在这部铁之骨剧情片中,供职于建筑公司、入社第四年的社员富岛平太(神木隆之介 饰),被调入被称为“政商关说的窗口”的业务部,因此接触到了公司争夺公共事业标案的内幕。富岛平太凭着自己的正义揭发了官商勾结的黑幕,也无异于和建筑界的黑暗面宣战。
A man has done well for his construction company employer and is transferred to the sales department in order to garner more contracts. The department has a sleazy reputation and there is a sniff of corruption between buyers and sellers. The man likes to forge ahead, but is soon caught up in an investigation involving the company, contractors and even corrupt and greedy politicians. Does the police have a case and is our man guilty?
【更新EP05】我眼中的日本投标。日本的投标有意思。故事原型 名古屋地铁串标事件。