在这部公主的时间片中,主人公润和有泉奈这个亲妹妹,进学校时是极其普通的高中生。可是,在过去被卷入父母死亡的事故,润和自己也丢失了以前的那段记忆,幸存下来的润和被亲戚照顾着,与只剩下一人的骨肉亲人泉奈一起持续着二人生活。然后,现在……开始和泉奈上相同的高中,对两人来说,那里让他们忘记过去而快乐。新的生活,环境,还有初遇。对原来生活在只有妹妹存在的世界的润和来说,在这个街的生活分外的新鲜。 可是,不久润和由于事故而丢失了的记忆开始恢复后,在幸福快乐的生活中,对过去和现在和未来摇摆不定的润和……所谓被润和的记忆掩盖了的真实是……
Juuna Tono is a boy without a past. Orphaned by a tragic accident that claimed the lives of his parents and his memory, Juuna and his younger twin sister Senna have only survived by their commitment to support each other. But when a strange girl greets him as \"Big Brother\" (onii-chan) Juuna turns to her and says, \"Haru...hi?\" It is someone from his forgotten past, who Senna claims is his childhood friend - or is she?