在这部黑暗打工家族喜剧/家庭片中,五个同样“黑暗工作”的人,在一栋位于安静住宅区的房子里,出于不同的原因试图入室盗窃。这些业余窃贼不习惯被人看到,他们试图打开他们要找的保险箱,但一步也没有靠近.....!在千钧一发之际,他们上了一辆面包车试图逃跑,但这次他们撞倒了一个人!神秘人目睹了这起肇事逃逸案,并威胁他们五个人假扮成“黑暗打工家庭”做黑暗打工生意。 小偷、快递员、接孩子的人......他们真的能从最底层的生活中爬出来吗?给他们发号施令的主谋又是什么出人意料的身份?
At an empty house in a quiet residential area, 5 people gather outside to break into the home. The five people are Tanaka (Oji Suzuka), Misaki Kubo (Maika Yamamoto), Kenzo Ogawa (Ken Mitsuishi), Kanae Hara (Yumi Asou) and Toru Kuribayashi (Toshiki Ayata) and they each applied for the same illegal part-time job. As they move about in confusion to get inside, they seem like amateur burglars. Their goal is to open a safe in the house, but it isn't for them. As they get close to opening the safe, they then encounter a crisis. They all get into the van to flee from the area, but they hit a person. The group continue to leave the area after they hit the person. but a mysterious man witnesses these 5 people's escape. The 5 people are then blackmailed to act like a family to commit more crimes.