在这部安乐战场剧情/动作/恐怖片中,某年夏天,来自香港各个阶层的一群人组成了一支菲律宾旅游团。在美丽女孩Candy(温碧霞 饰)的带队下,他们来到了这个温暖的热带国度。当地导游阿卜(曾志伟 饰)带领香港游客们四处游玩购物,度过了愉快的一天。入夜,游客们在一家餐厅欣赏了别开生面的演出后,准备返回宾馆休息。就在这时,对面的商铺传来剧烈的爆炸声和密集的枪声。原来数名菲共游击队员在其中进行枪火交易,结果遭遇闻讯赶来的警察,双方爆发激烈的枪战。走投无路之际,游击队员劫持了香港游客的客车。他们以人质的性命作要挟,要求政府释放菲共的领袖。
A pleasent trip to the Phillipines is turned into tragedy when the tour bus is kidnapped by a group of rebels that want to exchange the prisoners for the Rebel Leader's brother. The Leader tells the hostages to hang in there and they'll be released when the goverment releases his brother. The goverment renages and kills the brother and this enrages the Leader who now plans on killing his hostages one by one. Can Eric Tsang and Co. escape the carnage that lies ahead of them or will they end up in the pit?
当电影变成现实。现世版的警世恒言。不就是个玩。20多年后重新被关注!。蹭熱點,撿個漏。能找到时代点滴。从菲律宾旅行回来之后再看的电影...。菲共首领很郁闷,为何我为之奋斗的共 产 主 义 事 业在菲律宾夭折?。有点惨烈,略微情色。在这里,我要感谢ADC,真是太给力啦.。
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
安乐战场.Fatal.Vacation.1990.CHINESE.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-VXT.简中.ass | ASS/SSA | 简体中文字 |