在这部猛鬼狐狸精喜剧/动作/恐怖/奇幻片中,数百年前,茅山传人张素素(陈加玲 饰)与弟弟合力将赶来寻仇的狐狸精击退,而张素素则因伤势过重不治。时光荏苒,1991年的香港,茅山第37代传人张午(胡枫 饰)于一大厦中开店,同时迎来了由大陆抵港、拥有特异功能的干儿子阿华。张午的女儿阿如(吴君如 饰)因不满父亲悭吝自立门户,乔装成“大法师”坑蒙拐骗,另一女儿阿意(陈加玲 饰)令阿华倾心。能够开发特异功能的大喇嘛为了寻找转世灵童亦在此时赴港,却发现张午开店的大厦中有妖物存在。不久,潜藏大厦的狐狸精终于现身,大喇嘛与张午一家以及笃信基督的黑帮大佬一起联手抗妖。
1391: The good Chiang Su-Su manages to defeat the evil spirit Elf Fox, but has her soul transferred to a jasper incense holder and remains dormant for hundreds of years. In 1991 the Elf Fox returns to lethal life to wreak havoc on modern Hong Kong. The Elf Fox needs to absorb the souls of 108 men in order to obtain her full power. It's up to Su-Su's sweet descendant Yi, grouchy monk shopkeeper Chiang Wu, dashing, handsome foster son Wang Hsa, sassy ghostbuster Yu, and several others to defeat the Elf Fox before it's too late.