在这部超精英陆战队动作片中,海军特种部队海豹队的精英们奉命对付一群现代海盗;当他们在南海上一座废弃的钻油井后,立刻发现周围满是武装盗匪,而这座油井上更满布危险的机关陷阱。 当海盗们逃脱后,这群海豹队成员立刻紧追不舍,在几次交手后,便将他们逼到贼窟做最后的生死决战…
Dozens of American cargos with high valuable goods have disappeared, probably attacked by modern pirates. The United States decide to mobilize a team of expert SWAT, with Mike Bradley as leader, sending them to destroy the pirates' base, namely a deserted oil rig near Turkey. But these are cleverly waiting for them.