在这部陆战特勤队动作/剧情片中,海军陆战队军官Scott(迈克尔·帕尔)前往马德里探望妹妹时,万万想不到自己竟会是到太平间认尸,誓言找出杀妹凶手的史考特在妹妹的朋友协助下,得知这件命案竟与毒品有关,遂决定不计一切代价,直捣毒枭的大本营,揪出杀害亲妹的凶手... 然而,在这人生地不熟的西班牙土地上,单枪匹马的史考特要如何挑战整个毒品王国,为死去的妹妹讨回公道呢?
Scott is a US Marine who travels Spain to see his sister Kim, after many years of separation. But she is dead, and there is nothing else to arrive him. Alone in the Madrid's streets, Scott will search for the killers, will try to reveal the reason of the murder of his dear sister, and for revenge for himself.