在这部假面骑士J剧情/动作/科幻/冒险片中,主角·赖川浩司,是一名记者。因日本出现怪异现象,所以他便前往调查究竟。原来怪异现象的来源是由另一個天体來的机械兽母舰(又译“复古母体”)所为,它曾经在千万年前降临过一次地球。恐龙的灭绝也是它的所为,现在他再次到地球并且想灭绝人类。浩司的好友木村加奈被机械兽母舰捉往做祭品,浩司也因此被杀,幸得地底人将他重新改造,并且注入J POWER力量使他成为假面骑士J并与机械兽母舰的三使者·卡赖、亚基度和亚魅战斗,全剧的最后便和机械兽母舰决战,拯救人类。
The story begins with three Aliens in human form preparing for a ritual to feed the Fog Mother's "siblings". The Fog Mother last came to earth during the Prehistoric Age and is the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs. Kenji (KR J) and his kid sister are in the mountains, Kenji is investigating all the deaths of animals and trees there. The Fog Mother sends the three aliens, "Prince Gorai", "Zoo", and "Agito" to kidnap Kenji's baby sister for the sacrifice. During the course, "Agito" punches through Kenji's stomach and plunges to his death. Or did he?
文件名 | 大小 | 地址 |
[C-K SkewedS] Kamen Rider J (XviD) | 666.98MB |
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
[zmk.pw]假面骑士 J 1994年 劇場版 Blu-ray -1080p.srt | SRT | 简体中文字 |