在这部极乐女忍者动作片中,在不久未來,日本社會淪為貧民窟。隸屬於政府特務組織「極樂」的亞矢和她的夥伴小夏等人,試圖擊倒巨大的跨國企業黑田財閥。她們是「Lady Ninja」。然而,最強的敵人「夜叉」出現在亞矢一行人面前,誰能夠生存下來?無數的強敵、隨時可能喪命的事件、期待和背叛、友情和愛情,事件的真相究竟為何……?賭上國家的未來,女忍者們的戰爭即將開始……。驚悚、懸疑和性感場景交錯,前所未見的人類生存大戰!
The economy has been a bust in Japan for a long time. The government is weakened as a result and society is in chaos. Safety and security are going out of the door. A conglomerate steps in and wants to take the country over. This company employs a sinister scientist who misuses humans for his research. The government seeks to intervene and deploys a squad of ninjas to fight the conglomerate.