在这部地球毁灭动作/科幻片中,一班由Valerie Harmon博士带领的出色科学家。他们能够用电脑键盘控制及改变天气。当这系统渗入一个恶毒的工资智能程序时,整个世界立刻陷入险境。能够制造狂破及摧毁性的天气及为地球带来浩劫。唯一能够夺回系统控制权的,就只有一对毫不相干的英雄:Nick,一个前度电脑黑客 ;Tess,一个年青貌美的电视报导员。在这真假难分的世界里,无人愿意伸出援手,唯有靠那两个英勇之士去避开政府人员,去破坏这疯狂的电脑系统,阻挠那恶毒的黑客,避免那罕有的恐怖气象在这世界发生……
America's best player is being pulled in to the ultimate cyber-terror. The game's mastermind has stolen his identity, put him on the FBI's Most Wanted List, and is blackmailing him to take a part in a real twisted plan of world destruction. With just hours left, can the code be broken to save the world from total annihilation?