在这部生化战士:光之面罩动作/动画/家庭/奇幻/冒险片中,LEGO开发的生化战士玩具疯魔全球,FANS期待已久的生化战士动画版终于现身啦!透过逼真传神的CGI电脑动画技术,你最钟意的生化战士将在萤幕上幻化成栩栩如生的超级英雄,和邪恶的异能妖魔展开生死决战! 6位生化战士为拯救国家,历尽艰险寻找第7位生化战士--光之战士,因为只有这位神秘战士才能与魔王马古他匹敌,对抗邪恶势力。 面对超强对手,7位生化战士在光之面罩(加奥希面具)守护下,联手作出反击,要令马他吕岛重见光明。连场恶斗,一触即发!
In a land of living machines, two young ones are chosen to seek the legendary Mask of Light to reveal the savior of all the lands from the dark forces of the Makuta. During the course of their adventure, they will call on the heroes of their people, the great Toa. These Toa, masters of nature's forces such as Fire, Wind, Earth & Water, try to protect the chosen ones as they seek their destiny.