在这部隐形战斗轰炸机动作/冒险片中,一个强大的武器被藏在了荒废的前苏维埃的空间基地:唯一现存且运作良好的MIG 35“火炸弹”隐形轰炸机。由前俄罗斯特种部队上校弗拉德·科齐和毒蝎美女纳迪亚为首的一队雇佣军袭击了空间基地并掠走了隐形轰炸机。
Hidden at a desolate air base in a former Soviet Republic is an awesome weapon, the only working prototype of the MIG 35 "Firebomb" the Soviet stealth fighter/bomber. A mercenary assault team led by former Spetnatz Colonel Vlad Kotchov and the beautiful but deadly Nadia assault the base and steal the black stealth plane.