在这部畅销书悬疑片中,居住在首尔的白熙秀(严正花 饰)是一名风光无限的美女作家,但她在巅峰时期陷入抄袭风波,从此一蹶不振,事业和家庭蒙受巨大打击。长达两年的沉寂,让熙秀的精神世界几近崩溃。出版社的好友崔编辑不愿看她继续沉沦,于是鼓励熙秀前往新庆北的山间别墅继续写作。接受了友人的建议,熙秀带着女儿研熙来到别墅。可是不久她便发现,别墅内的气氛分外诡异,而研熙似乎总在和一个看不见的女孩说话。极度的恐惧和无法抑制的好奇促使熙秀探究这所房子的秘密,并将其写入小说之中。
"Best Seller" is a thriller centered around writer Hee-Soo (Eom Jeong-Hwa) who moves to a small house in a rural area after becoming involved in a plagiarism scandal. Hee-Soo then hears a mysterious figure tell horrifying stories and she writes a new novel based on those stories. Her novel becomes another best seller, but Hee-Soo's success is short lived. The stories in the novel are discovered to have been published 10 years ago. To prove her innocence, she goes back to the house to uncover the mystery that lies there.
你相信吗。好吧,我也是因为郭四娘…。如果世界上还有一个人值得我去信任,那么这个人只能是你。。畅销书。《畅销书》:值得表扬!。还有点深度的悬疑片。要坚持到后半段。一个神经病患者的经历与故事!烂片。恐怖片理论~~~ 常规过程。随便说说。
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
畅销书 Best.Seller.2010.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264-CHD.srt | SRT | 简体中文字 | |
诡书 Best.seller.2010.BluRay.1080p.DTS.x264-CHD.srt | SRT | 简体中文字 | |
Bestseller.2010.CD1.Chs.srt | SRT | 简体中文字 | |
Bestseller.2010.CD1.eng.srt | SRT | English字 | |
Bestseller.2010.CD2.Chs.srt | SRT | 简体中文字 | |
Bestseller.2010.CD2.eng.srt | SRT | English字 |