在这部夜惊魂惊悚/恐怖/犯罪片中,美国西雅图市的夜晚处处充满诱惑,但最近接二连三发生的凶杀案使市民陷入一片恐慌之中…… 吉姆和搭档桃乐茜为缉凶,采取了地毯式的猎搜行动,然而就在案情终于眉目之时,狡黠的凶手将魔手伸向桃乐茜和吉姆的妻子,威胁吉姆,到底吉姆在情与法之间要如何选择呢 凶手到底是何方人物呢 他最终是否成功逃离法网呢 就在这扑朔迷离的西雅图之夜,吉姆与凶徒展开一场情与仇、法与理的大血拼……
Tom Gerrick (Casper van Dein) is a Wall Street Whiz Kid. He's also a serial killer. Six victims have had their eyes cut out, six their ears cut off and three their tongues removed. By the time he gets to his fourth 'tongue' victim, Tom is getting sick of his success. He calls the police himself, claiming to have found the body of the sixteen year old girl on the street. He wants to get caught, but first he wants to play with his captors for a while. His initial sensitivity to the crime is soon replaced with a psycho-smirk and a high priced lawyer. By the time the police find out he is the killer he is on a shooting spree, first on live television during an interviews on "the secret of success", then at his ex-fiancés non-wedding party.