在这部湿浴缸短片片中,卫浴用品经销商布鲁斯•罗门(Arliss Howard 饰)正因销售业绩不佳而大吐苦水,这时性感迷人的女子戴维达(Cynda Williams 饰)走进他的店铺。眼看生意上门,布鲁斯放弃约会,延长生意时间,尽心为这美艳的妇人推荐产品。
The attractive Davida enters a shop shortly before off-time and wants to buy a bathtub. Just the manager is still there. As business is not well, he is willing to stay longer. Davida wants to try the bathtubs. Although this is not allowed in the shop the manager agrees. As if that is not enough, Davida says she wants the bathtub for two and needs to be sure it fits her needs. She wants the manager to take place in the bathtub too.