在这部天山行片中,郑志桐(颜世魁 饰)和李倩(赵娜 饰)在农村插队时相识相恋,后来李志桐入伍来到新疆天山。李倩则失去当年刚插队时的狂热激情,办病退回到北京。正在北京工程兵学院学习的郑志桐决定毕业后重返天山,而李倩则希望他想办法留校,将来在北京安家生活。面对部队和李倩,郑志桐面临两难选择,但在一次同学聚会上,看到昔日同学田野(赵晓明 饰)放浪形骸、低级趣味的表现,增强了他重返天山的决心。返回天山后,一连数月未接到李倩的来信,他整日忍受着情感的煎熬。在团长(于纯绵 饰)撮合下,李倩趁出差机会来到让郑志桐魂牵梦绕的天山。戍关军人的艰苦是她不可想象的,住的是帐蓬,啃的是干馍,她的内心受到震憾,是留,是走?
Zheng meets Li when they go to the countryside together and the two fall in love. Zheng becomes a soldier and goes to Tianshan Mountain and Li returns home. When Zheng comes to Beijing for college studying, he decides to return to Tianshan after graduation. But Li wants Zheng to stay for a better life. Zheng returns to Tianshan finally and Li stays in Beijing. She goes to Tianshan to find Zheng's status under commander's persuasion. The hard living status in Tianshan and cozy city life in Beijing, which one should Li choose?