在这部心灵写真部 - 二限目片中,小説からゲームまで、ホラー界のマルチクリエイターとして活躍する福谷修の人気小説を、待望の映像化。本作では、原作者である福谷修みずからが脚本を手掛け、原作にはない設定とキャラクターを織り交ぜて、さらなる「心霊写真部」ワールドを展開。人気グラビアアイドルの中村静香と戸田れいが、心霊写真の謎と真実に迫るヒロインたちを好演している。2人の、恐怖におののく迫真の演技も、見どころのひとつになっている。
The film is comprised of three stories related to a school club. A high school photography club is dedicated to ghosts. A student joins the club, which runs its own website where people could submit photographs. One could submit photographs for assessment by the club members who solve the problems of those who apply. One story features a photograph that incites morbid feelings in anyone who sees it. The photograph depicts a woman committing suicide at a building where such a thing never happened. In another story the new student becomes famous for her sixth sense. There is a hand on her shoulder. In the final story, the club president is shown a picture of a ghost who may be an acquaintance.