在这部鬼妇片中,1940—1945年这个时期对阿根廷电影业来说不是一个走运的时期。由于战争期间缺少从美国进口的胶卷,使得布宜诺斯艾利斯失去了在西班牙语世界的优势地位,而墨西哥却因此获得好处。到1945年,影片产量从原来50部左右下跌到25部。 阿根廷电影界最后所作的重大努力之一是把洛普·德维加的原作《鬼妇》搬上银幕。在这部豪华而细致的影片里,萨斯拉夫斯基同两个西班牙共和主义者合作:诗人阿尔维蒂改编剧本,美工师戈里·穆诺斯担任布景师。 (世界电影史)
Doña Ángelica - a young widow recently 18 years old - falls in love and wants to marry an army officer named Don Manuel, but to do so she must evade the vigilance of her sister-in-law who wishes to send her to the convent for the rest of her life. For this he elaborates an ingenious deception that allows him to communicate with Don Manuel in a seemingly mysterious and inexplicable way, appearing like a goblin or ghost.