在这部听见寂静片中,《听见寂静》(Hear the Silence)的影片描绘了一个反乌托邦式的医疗界,其中的大部分医生和科学家不是墨守成规就是玩世不恭、胆小懦弱或诡计多端——韦克菲尔德则是心灵纯洁、追求真相的科学家兼侦探式的人物,只相信数据反映的科学事实。
The four-year-old Nicolas Shield leads a brash and peaceful life. An annual unpleasant day has arrived: he has to visit the doctor to get an injection against mumps, measles and rubella. This goes without any problem, because Nicolas - also called Nicky - is a good guy. However, after a few months, Nicolas's behavior begins to change. Mother Christine does everything to get the boy back on the right track. But then comes the dreaded diagnosis: Nicky suffers from autism.