在这部好好小姐不自在片中,好好是個人如其名的好好小姐,習慣過著隱藏內心、迎合他人的生活。在心理諮商專線工作的她,每天接聽電話並為人解決煩惱。而好好的本我安娜,總會在她身邊反映出好好的真實心聲。 極端的兩人之間,衝突不斷加劇,也讓她們的默契即將崩壞。究竟好好和安娜能否取得平衡?或只能落得不是你死就是我亡的結果呢?
Ms.Vanilla is a typical 'Yes Girl' who worked as a hotline counselor, listening and solving everyone's problem but her own. Her inner self 'Anna' will always shows up around her to represent her true voices, their balance was on edge, can they make it through or it is going to collapse?