Struggling manga artist and gambling addict, Suzuo, lives with long-suffering wife, Natsuko, and daughter, Miyu. After stealing his wife's money to visit the race track, he gets knocked down by a truck when he tries to retrieve the winnings he carelessly lost to the wind. Upon arriving in the afterlife, he meets a judge who decides to send him back as a cat. Now, as Tora-San, he has one month to turn his family's fortunes around and show his daughter the love he couldn't in life.
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
Tiger.My.Life.As.A.Cat.2019 (虎先生~我變成貓的理由~) | SRT | 繁體中文字 | |
虎先生(简繁字幕)Tiger.My.Life.as.a.Cat.2019.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi.zip | ASS/SSA | 简体中文字 |