在这部我家的垃圾革命片中,隨著他的第一個兒子誕生 , 身為本片導演的Andrew Nisker開始對於他的寶貝兒子將會面對什麼樣的未來而產生擔憂 , 本片著眼聚焦於環境保護的部分 , 導演在片中大膽進行了一個實驗:讓一個家庭累積三個月不丟垃圾,從塑膠袋到礦泉水瓶,從廚餘到聖誕節燈飾,在漫長的三個月後,他們將有驚人的發現!三個月的時間裡可以累積多少垃圾?這些垃圾又會對我們的生活與這個地球產生什麼樣的影響?
Take your average urban family the Mcdonalds and ask them to keep every scrap of garbage they create for three months. Then take them on a journey to show them where it all goes and how it affects the world outside. From table scraps to the stuff they flush down the potty to the air pollution created by driving the kids to school to leaving the lights on, the Mcdonalds discover that for every action there's a reaction that vastly affects them and the planet. Life under a microscope has never been so revealing and shocking for the Mcdonald family of five and for those who dare to watch their trashy odyssey.