在这部Pipo et l'amour aveugle短片片中,在非人性化的世界中,人们的情感受到控制,唯有通过量表的评估,才获得快乐泉源。工厂工人爱上了长椅上的女人,他减少努力只为吸引她的注意, 导演勒古里耶克运用零件组建乐团,将百无聊赖的生活变成人性的生机,谱出一曲爱之交响乐。@高雄电影节
In a dehumanized world which emotions are controlled by a gauge, Pipo a young worker falls in love of a woman sitting on a bench. He will do everything to attract his attention to seduce her, with his "words" to him. From puppet show, to painting and music, it is the story of an impossible love in a world where emotions are prohibited.