在这部自由行动片中,1978年,一个左派革命组织“GAR”的成员闯入苏黎世附近的一家瑞士银行。他们拍摄下了整个行动过程,以证明银行的金融体系和南美独裁者之间的勾结。 30年之后,被认为已经丢失的这盘录影带,再次浮出水面……
They are four young men and four young women, from different backgrounds, united in their conviction that society must change. Revolted by the political situation in those troubled 1970s, they decide to mount a spectacular action to expose the complicity of Swiss banks in the crimes of a heinous South-American dictatorship. Vehicles, weapons, safe houses: \"Operation Libertad\" is prepared carefully. In a shrewd move, a member of the group is equipped with a portable camera; he will film the operation as it unfolds, producing material that will boost its impact in the mass media. When the day arrives, everything goes exactly as planned -- till hitting a snag. The first in a series of disconcerting hitches that throw the group increasingly off balance...