在这部西柏林公牛・东柏林母牛短片片中,隨著美蘇劃分東西柏林,原本獨自坐擁36 頭母牛佳麗的公牛彼得,從此被迫在牆的西邊獨自淋著寂寞的雨,揣想共產的草兒嚼起來的滋味。牠在有生之年還能見著牠的母牛嗎?曾在《惡棍特工》演繹納粹軍官的克里斯多夫華茲擔任旁白,為我們述說彼得一家的悲歡離合。
When Germany was split up in 1946, the sleepy farming village of Mödlareuth was torn apart. Soviets descended on the eastern half, Americans took over the west. A 12-foot wall was built through the middle, and the village soon picked up the nickname \"Little Berlin\". The international press jumped on the story, but the tragedy unfolding in the local herd went unreported. While Peter, the only bull in the village, was stranded in the west, his cows were suddenly eating Soviet grass on the other side of the wall. Would Peter ever see his cows again ? A bovine tragedy waiting to be told - based on a true story, narrated by Christoph Waltz.