在这部那个不为人知的故事剧情/爱情片中,神秘的出租车司机陈铭生(邱泽 饰)与性格清冷的文物修复师杨昭(郎月婷 饰)偶然相遇,在一场暧昧、试探、你进我退的极致拉扯中,陈铭生渐渐卸下心防。在一次旅行中,陈铭生的卧底缉毒警身份暴露,二人的感情再次面临选择,这份汹涌悸动的爱能否抵挡住命运的捉弄?卧底缉毒警陈铭⽣孤勇奋战为国牺牲,又有多少⽆名英雄日日夜夜负重前⾏,守护着万家灯⽕?
Art conservator Yang Zhao falls in love with the mysterious driver Chen Mingsheng, but discovers his undercover identity during a trip. Chen Mingsheng is assigned another undercover mission, and they agree to marry once everything is over, only to find themselves on opposite sides of life and death.
Twentine(无量渡口):悲剧是黑洞,但我的故事尽头有光 ——《那个不为人知的故事》后记。光看预告片就已经不抱希望了。看主创阵容,没有任何期待。那个不知为人的故事。