在这部超级皮托尼·祖尔利片中,当女巫图拉·乌拉 (Tura Vura) 构思出一个破坏秩序并给城市带来混乱的邪恶计划时,露露、特鲁利和坦蒂·甘·祖利 (Tanti ie Gang Zurli) 接到国家总统的号召去拯救局势。
Girl Zurli, Lulu, Thank You, Witchbroom, Truli, and Mrs. Introducer, i.e. Gang Zurli, are called by the president of the country to save the situation when the witch Tura Vura conceives an evil plan to destabilize order and bring chaos to the city, kidnapping Tony the zebra, the one who keeps road traffic under control. The gang sets out in search of their friend Tony, embarking on a series of hilarious misadventures and actions that test their limits and push them beyond themselves, earning them the title of Super Pilots. Will the colorful and lively gang manage to foil the plans of the witch Tura Vura? Will Tony the zebra be able to reunite with his friends and restore order? We'll find out by watching this educational, funny and adventurous film for kids and parents alike.