在这部死于三日之内惊悚/恐怖片中,马丁(Laurence Rupp 饰)、妮娜(Sabrina Reiter 饰)、莫娜(Julia Rosa Stöckl 饰)、克莱门斯(Michael Steinocher 饰)和埃里克斯(Nadja Vogel 饰)是5个在奥地利埃本赛镇一所大学念书的好朋友,经过紧张而严格的考试,他们终于顺利拿到毕业证书。就在毕业晚会举行前几个小时,妮娜等人先后收到一条奇怪的短信,短信内容为“三日之内必死”。几位好友原以为这是某个无聊家伙的恶作剧,但是死神却真的降临。从毕业晚会开始,马丁、埃里克斯接连离奇死亡,妮娜也遭到绑架。他们渐渐意识到,一段早已被掩埋和以往的过去正籍此浮出水面……
本片荣获2006年奥地利温蒂奖最佳新人奖(Sabrina Reiter)。
In Ebensse, the teenagers Nina, her boyfriend Martin, Clemens, his girlfriend Alex and Mona are best friends since their childhood. On their high-school graduation day, they all receive the same message in the cellular: "In three days you will be dead!", but they believe is a stupid joke from their weird schoolmate Patrick. However, when Martin is found dead in the lake Traunsee, the group realizes that it is not a prank. When Nina is attacked and Patrick is killed trying to save her, they recall a tragic incident from their childhood.