在这部致命倒计时惊悚/恐怖片中,2013年新年将至,盘桓在国际大都会美国纽约的三个泰国小青年:藏着诸多秘密的小碧(Jarinporn Joonkiat 饰)、超级啃老族杰克(Pachara Chirathivat 饰)、风骚贱格追逐物欲的小潘(Pattarasaya Kreuasuwansri 饰)无聊头顶,决定在租住的公寓内好好狂欢一下。杰克从隔壁的吸毒分子那里找到毒贩子残缺的电话号码,并最终联系上了癫狂多话的贩毒佬黑苏斯(David Asavanond 饰)。夜幕降临,黑苏斯带来的毒品让三个人high翻天,他们围坐一起说着无聊且有些残忍的笑话。感觉到气氛有些不对,三人决定快点付钱送走黑苏斯,却意外发现这个家伙似乎并非他们要找的毒贩子。
Three Thai teens in New York City are planning the New Year's Party of their lives. They called Jesus, a drug dealer, to drop off some stuff at their apartment so they can celebrate and countdown the end of the year in style. Little did they know that Jesus' visit that night will change their lives forever.