在这部爱情小说爱情片中,名不见经传的小说作家曲周月(河正宇 饰)正在酝酿创作他的第二部小说,怎奈陷入了文思枯竭的困境。适逢他的出版公司会长要去柏林出差,曲周月便欣然答应一同前往,并充当翻译一职。
在柏林的最后一天,曲周月参加了一个针对电影业内人士举办的派对。然而面对故作姿态的寒暄和虚情假意的热情,曲周月觉得厌倦得透不过起来,索性来到外面独自抽烟。就在此刻,他遇见了他今生的缪斯女神。一个名叫熙珍(孔孝珍 饰)的女人默默地走到他的身边,静静地抽了一根烟。这一幕让毫无恋爱经验的曲周月怦然心动,一见钟情。曲周月就这样一发不可收拾地爱上了她。
A writer meets an attractive woman and falls in love on first sight. Will there love last? Goo Joo-wol is a writer and a part-time as a bartender. He's currently working on his second novel, but stuck with a bout of writer's block. Joo-Wol then accompanies the president of his publishing company to Berlin on a business trip as a translator. On his last day in Berlin, Joo-Wol attends a party for movie industry insiders. Joo-Wol, bored with the party, steps outside to smoke a cigarette. A woman named Hee-Jin then walks next to him and smokes a cigarette. Joo-Wol falls in love on first sight. Back in Seoul. Hee-Jin finds a letter and a flower basket awaiting for her on her desk. Hee-Jin reads the letter from Joo-Wol and finds it funny. Meanwhile, Joo-Wol waits and waits for her phone call. Finally, Joo-Wol gets the phone call from Hee-Jin. The soon-to-be couple will meet for the second time.
腋毛夫人,永恒的自我。主人公的文艺二逼告白。诶 短评写不下 我最喜欢的这段戏。孔孝真的腿。中年维特的爱情。文青男的恋爱童话。凭什么女人就要刮腋毛???。我也有腋毛,悄悄的说;只有夏天的时候才用脱毛膏!。《爱情小说》——爱情片里的一朵奇葩。孤独的旅程。