在这部超感觉情侣爱情片中,秀民(秦久 Goo Jin 饰)是个能够看到别人内心的想法的大学生,从小性格孤僻,寡言少语,不太懂得与人交往。一次画展偶遇了智商180的少女贤真(朴宝英 Bo-yeong Park 饰),因为奇怪看不透这个女生的心思而对其印象深刻。秀民没想到,在画展一别后,自己竟然因为不小心卷入了一场绑架事件而再次见到贤真,而古灵精怪的贤真还尾随他回到家中,像一个小尾巴一样粘着自己。为了甩掉总是给自己惹麻烦的贤真,秀民绞尽脑汁却又苦于无措,既看不到贤真的心思,又会被聪明绝顶的她耍的团团转,秀民无奈向贤真妥协,并渐渐喜欢上了她。而渐渐发现秀民特异功能的贤真也开始有意识的对秀民的锻炼和测试,努力拓展他控制别人心思的能力。这个能力在二人解救人质的过程中发挥了巨大作用,然而秀民也发现了一个令他吃惊的真相…
Su-min (Jin Goo) a college student who keeps his psychic powers a secret, living a quiet, lonely life. One day at an art gallery he is accosted by a strange girl called Hyun-jin (Park Bo-young) who insists on following him around. After an incident in the park involving an undercover police attempt to arrest a kidnapper gives her a display of his abilities, she attaches herself to him, determined to find out exactly what he is capable of. His feelings for her gradually change from annoyance to romantic yearning, though she herself appears to be hiding a secret of her own.
非反感的少女大叔之恋。海报不好看!。做个普通人。超感觉情侣 忽然被感动了。心慌。再看一遍。别致。魔力。穿越时空,我爱着你~。