在这部杀戒爱情/悬疑片中,有“小城普希金”之称的马匹配种站副站长肖立昆(刘烨 饰)出身杀猪世家却有一颗爱好诗歌的心;小城里最美的音乐老师江月娥(倪妮 饰)刚刚结束了一段失败的感情,在这时,她与立昆相遇了。仿若一见钟情的二人迅速步入婚姻殿堂,并有了儿子,看似美满的家庭却是堆积在谎言和秘密之上。
Xiao Likun, handsome, sensitive, is fond of poetry.He has a strong ego, but his butcher family background makes him ashamed. Jiang Yue'e is a kinder-garden music teacher, sexy , craving for romance. They meet across, get a crush for each other and get a marriage very soon. However, this happy marriage buries a tragic seed. The conflict due to their different social backgrounds and status intensifies. Unsurprisingly, they get a divorce and Xiao loses everything but the guardianship for his son, Xiao Lei. He revenges Jiang by hiding their son from her. Eventually, Jiang asks for paternity test on the son, and announces this child doesn't belong to Xiao biologically. Xiao is overwhelmed. He wants to revenge Jiang by killing her on his won..
看不到阳光,但可以看到月色。大家一起唱,喜当爹啊喜当爹,喜当爹嘿喜当爹。阶层融合是可怕的。从头到尾都很奇怪啊。说好的佟掌柜呢!两位水军的评论吓到我了....。主演给五星,但是……演员尽力也只能挽救到这样子了。不能配图不开心~。好人摊上这种事也只能想开点吧。觉得5.1分评价太低,这个电影我觉得很不错。。由《杀戒》这出戏,看中国制片体制之限。男人女人的永恒战斗 ——有感电影《杀戒》对人类婚恋悲剧的生动探讨。