在这部彩虹制造者爱情片中,乔治老爷爷总喜欢生动的对两个活泼可爱的孙子说故事。因为从小没有爸妈陪在身边的两个小孩,都是靠乔治老爷爷抚养。乔治告诉他们,他们的爸爸正从事秘密间谍任务,所以不能在家陪他们,但是希望他们能够以爸爸为荣且快乐长大。 事实并非如此,他们的爸爸达托,原本是一个气象预测员,几年前意外地被陷害入狱服刑。刚出狱的达托回到家乡,发现他的老婆居然和当地的马戏团团长交往,他的孩子们又不认他做老爸,于是心情非常郁闷,整天借酒浇愁。此时镇上来了一名年轻的女飞行员,她对达托一见钟情,随后也彻底改变了达托的人生。这女孩的出现让达托开始体会老婆、小孩的重要性。 伤心的达托某天在观测站的时候突然发现原来自己有办法改变天气,就是将夏天变成冬天,甚至制造美丽彩虹的超能力。能掌控的了自然,达托能不能藉此也挽回支离破碎的家庭?
The Salzlipp twins grow up without their father. The boy and the girl are convinced he is an important superhero secret agent. But when he eventually comes home, it turns out that he is but a puny, insignificant meteorologist who had been innocently languishing in jail. The children refuse to accept that this is their father. And sexy Mrs. Salzlipp has fallen in love with another man. But Salzlipp fights back. He discovers that he can influence and indeed manipulate the weather. He can turn summertime into deep frost. Magic! As with Dostoyevski's Idiot there's more to Salzlipp than meets the eye. Maybe he can use his gift to win back his family? An imaginative tale about love and respect in a romantic seaside setting.