在这部笨松鼠的新家家庭/动画/短片片中,春去秋来,在风景如画的原始丛林,小坡上高高耸立着一棵粗壮的大树。从树脚下的洞里,传来了说话声。那是两只小松鼠(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音),他们正在讨论在冬天到来之前,尽快找到过冬的食物储存起来。两个小家伙说干就干,外出忙碌起来。他们捧着橡果回到家中,可是却惊奇地发现他们的家——那棵大树早已被锯断。小松鼠焦急万分,连忙四处寻找,终于在湖泊中央找到他们的树。他们试图将树弄回森林,可是力气实在太弱,根本不起任何作用。 就这样,松鼠兄弟随着原木来到了木材厂。一场前所未有、惊险非常的冒险等待着他们……©豆瓣
Two polite twin gophers find that their home, a tree, has been cut down and taken away. They find it in a log pile about to be taken inside a processing factory. When they follow it into the factory, they become caught in the bizarre human machinery whose purpose, among other things, is to grind whole trees down to make toothpicks.