在这部百老汇女红伶歌舞片中,这张DVD是1998年九月在著名的卡内基音乐厅所主办的一场演唱会实况录像。从片子的名字就可以看出,参与演出的都是那些在百老汇音乐剧舞台上风光无限的女明星们。尽管从演唱会的人员名单上我们没有发现伯纳德彼得丝(Bernadette Peters)、依莲佩姬(Elaine Page)等无可争议的天后巨星,但朱迪安德鲁斯、李萨明里尼、林达伊德等名角的登场断不会让整台演唱会名不符实。总之,如果你对百老汇著名女演员的名字和她们演唱的曲目十分熟悉,那么这张DVD就是特别为你制作的;否则,台下观众接二连三的鼓掌欢呼一定会把你搞得莫名其妙。
This film presents highlights of a concert given on 28 September 1998 at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Some of the ladies offer songs with which they have been closely associated over the years, while others explore the road not taken. There are also a couple of stunts: Rosie O'Donnell sneaks onto the stage and begins singing "Liza With a Z," only to be interrupted by Liza Minnelli, for whom the song was written. Later, the child actress Anna Kendrick sings "Life Upon the Wicked Stage," backed up by a chorus of cynical, strung-out Kit-Kat Girls from the 1990's revival of "Cabaret." Their fate, apparently, is what young Miss Kendrick can look forward to should she remain in her chosen profession!