在这部小儿女剧情/喜剧/爱情/歌舞片中,教师王洪臣(王引 饰)在妻子去世之后一直没有续弦,独自抚养着一女二儿,女儿王金辉(尤敏 饰)非常懂事,知道父亲维持生计不易,总是各种想着法子替父亲分担烦恼,男友三番五次的向她求婚,都被她推脱了。在学校里,王洪成和一位名叫李秋怀(王莱 饰)的女教师惺惺相惜,最终走到了一起,可当王洪成将想要娶李秋怀为妻的打算告诉女儿后,遭到了女儿的强烈反对。
A young lady has taken the place of caring for her two younger brothers since the death of their mother. She is content with putting her life on hold whilst she cares for them until one day when she meets an old classmate and her father proposes marriage to a colleague. She's unsure what kind of stepmother her father's new bride might make. Will she be mean and cruel like the woman across the alley or will she be kind and benevolent? What about her new beau? Will the family accept him and can the two work everything out?