在这部蜜月勿越剧情片中,Maylinda (Mirela Naska 飾) 活在阿爾巴尼亞的山區,三年前未婚夫出走意大利,一去不回音訊全無。Maylinda 因為鄉例關係而留在未婚夫的一家三年有多。未婚夫的弟弟 Nik (Jozef Shiroka 飾) 愛上 Maylinda,希望和她相宿相棲。礙於鄉例,唯一的出路便是離開阿爾巴尼亞,出走西歐。得到表親的疏通,Nik 得到意大利的 Visa,可以和 Maylinda 遠走他方,展開新的生活。Marko (Nebojsa Milovanovic 飾) 和 Vera (Jelena Trkulja 飾) 是一對塞爾維亞夫妻,兩人的生活足襟見肘。Marko 得到一個為維也納交響樂團面試的機會,攜同 Vera 一起離開塞爾維亞。兩對情人分別離開家園,但是他們卻同時陷入相同的窘境。
'Honeymoons' shows us that the distance between Eastern and Western Europe is more than a question of kilometers. The films follows two couples, one is Albania, one in Serbia, who in the midst of wedding celebrations decide to leave their respective countries to realize their dreams in Western Europe. They soon find themselves trapped between their countries' past and their future lives together.